Once again, it’s our pleasure to be able to announce the results of our annual photo contest! We are pleased to see the continued interest in this forum with submissions coming in from across the Continent. The contest organizers are grateful for your participation.
According to the rules of our contest, we have been in search of clear examples of nutrient deficiency in African crops, and plant nutrient research, or use, in Africa. As we gather more images, our hope is for this forum to continue to increase awareness about healthy crops and soils, and to shine a light on those doing the great work to improve nutrient use in Africa.
Our contest awards cash prizes to the top photos in each category, but we would also like to take this opportunity to feature a few other photos deserving honorable mentions.
This contest will open once again in early 2025 so please keep us in mind the next time you are out in the field! Watch for details in our next issue of Growing Africa, our website https://apni.net/photo-contest, or follow us on social media for the latest news.
Crop Nutrient Deficiency Category
Winning Entry: Zinc Deficiency in Maize

Crop Nutrient Deficiency Category
Honorable Mention: Calcium Deficiency in Bell Pepper

Plant Nutrition Research Category
Winning Entry: Agronomic Biofortification of Rice

Plant Nutrition Research Category
Honorable Mentions

region, in the central highlands of Madagascar. The image shows a close-up of small doses (microdoses) of phosphorus based fertilizer applied directly into planting holes for upland rice. This technique aims to increase P use efficiency and to help upland rice withstand drought events by improving deep root development. In this photo, triple superphosphate (TSP) was applied at the rate of 12 kg P ha-1, equating to six TSP granules per planting hole. After placing the granules, they were covered with a 1 mm soil layer followed by the rice seeds.