Welcome to our first Issue of Growing Africa! It’s exciting to launch a new digital journal and think about what the future holds for it. As our mission states, we are striving to establish ourselves as a source of actionable scientific information on plant nutrition. In doing so we wish to play a supporting role in helping agricultural practitioners enable agricultural research for development in Africa.
What’s inside? You’ll find that we are solidly centered on a platform of African-centric agricultural science.
We hope that Growing Africa’s unique mix of articles, delivered twice a year with an interpretive style, will provide you with many learning opportunities to come. You can look to us to purposely focus the discussion on the practical issues and concepts surrounding improved nutrient management practices within African food production systems.
We also wish to build a forum for you, and this inaugural issue starts that discussion.
As you read through our pages, we invite you to look for opportunities to participate. We are open to receiving brief letters, photos, or you may start a discussion with colleagues via the commenting features provided within our online edition. If you find yourself with the opportunity to contribute an article, please consult our Style Guide for authors.
Best wishes,
Gavin Sulewski
Editor, Growing Africa