Tag: S. Zingore
Grain Legumes Contribute Immediate and Residual-Effects in Rain-fed Maize Production Systems
Within-season effects of intercropping are receiving increasing attention. However, the rotational performance is rarely investigated across seasons, even though the two are complementary strategies providing spatial-temporal crop diversification.
Variability in Yield Response Strongly Affects Maize Productivity and Nutrient Requirements
Smallholder maize productions systems in western Kenya exhibited wide spatial and temporal variability in yield responses to N, P and K application at the field level. Nutrient omission trials provide evidence of strong and ubiquitous N limitations and high vulnerability for rapid decline in P and K under continuous cropping without balanced nutrient applications.
Soil Organic Matter Regulates Maize Productivity and Fertilizer Response in Maize Production
Resource-constrained systems need strategies that focus on striking a balance between maintaining SOC above a critical value to ensure high agronomic fertilizer use efficiency and avoiding accumulations of nutrients to levels that prevent viable nutrient use efficiency.